How easy it can be to look at the Church in America today with frustration. It’s not uncommon for professing Christians to be “done” with their church, or churches in general, in times like this. Of course, sometimes Christians should leave a church. But often Christians need to persevere with others and see their local church as God sees his people, as God saw Israel in the days of Obadiah: with grace.
Read MoreIt’s hard to escape the political headlines these days. Politicians are running for both the White House and Congress while a judge is seeking confirmation to the Supreme Court. Decisions abound, and though the country is fractured in many ways, most people seem to truly desire leaders who will govern well for the good of this country…
Read MoreMost of us have experienced seasons when the tears came day and night. In Psalm 42, David is struggling so badly that tears have been like food, probably because he can’t even eat. His soul is “cast down” and “in turmoil.”
Read MoreWe don’t often think of God laughing, but Psalm 2 tells us He does! In this passage, we see at least one thing that God laughs at: nations opposing him and, specifically in this passage, the opposition of political leaders.
Read MoreOur need hasn’t changed. Instead, our need has now become our desire. For some of us, before this pandemic began, we had a general sense of our need for Jesus. We may have known we needed Him, but for many of us, our desire didn't match our need for Him.
Read MoreSo often we equate security with control. But God, in His kindness, uses situations like our world is in now to remind us that we are not in control. When we begin to realize that we are not in control, that is the time we begin to step out in faith. If you want to feel in control today, rest in the kindness, goodness, and sovereignty of Christ because it is in Him you will find peace.
Read MoreJesus walked through the darkness alone so that in the pinnacle of our darkest days, we would always know the power of the resurrection. So we would know that no matter how dark, our God is with us, inviting us to sit and eat a meal and remember His unwavering presence—a presence asking us to release our fear of the dark and focus on the promise of the light.
Read MoreNo matter your age, this is certain to be a period of time you will remember for the rest of your life. How do you want to remember this moment in history? Do you want to remember it worried, spending time binge-watching Netflix, downplaying the effects of the virus, OR seeking Jesus, His peace, proclaiming His victory, and simply being still and knowing that He is God (Psalm 46:10).
Read MoreAs ministry leaders, we need to remember that what we create is what we cultivate. We have to recognize that our model of ministry entertainment creates fun but cultivates a weak faith. If we are going to impact and influence the next generation, we must continually point to God’s story and the stories He continues to write and tell.
Read MoreAnother Easter week has arrived. This is the pinnacle of the Christian calendar and the centerpiece of the Christian faith. It’s on this week that we reflect on Jesus’ final days, His death, and ultimately, His resurrection. It’s His conquering of death that we celebrate not only on this day but also on all other days.
Read MoreA local hospital chaplain told me the story of a young man whom he had built a relationship with a few years ago. The chaplain had been asked to visit with this young man’s father on a number of occasions.
Read MoreMany think that any interaction with Scripture is good - that all one has to do is open the Bible and God will move. It would be great if it was that simple! To some extent it is, but there is just a bit more to it.
Read MoreThink about all that you have memorized over the years. You can probably recall song lyrics, movie lines, passwords, credit card numbers, and much more. I often catch myself amused by the odd variety of things that have I’ve somehow memorized.
Read MoreOur ability to hear from God is similar to the way that we hear anything else. We must turn up what we need to hear and turn down the things that are keeping us from hearing. Think about a recent conversation where it was necessary to really focus because of the distractions around you. In our relationship with God, we need to take similar actions.
Read MoreSo, how should we, as Christians, use our power and influence on social media? Before you post and update or a response, ask yourself if what you are about to post has implications for eternity. If you only had one chance to speak to someone about what’s most important to you, ask yourself if what you are about to say is worth being the last thing they ever hear from you.
Read MoreFor some of us, the idea of God wanting to speak to us or wanting to paint us a picture of his care and love is an idea that is as foreign as hot ice. At times, we think that God might be speaking, but what we feel like he is saying is, “read that Bible of yours and make sure you are following all those rules.”
Read MoreI am seated in my office surrounded by windows. A glance outside shows that the burning heat of summer is doing its best to linger, but when I step outside at night I can feel that fall is slowly winning the battle of the seasons.
Read MoreIsrael wanted a king. For years God had acted as their provider, protector, and sovereign but in the face of mounting pressure from rival nations and the innate human desire to look and sound like everyone around them Israel wanted a change. They wanted a king that was made of flesh and blood.
Read MoreContrary to some people’s opinion, a decision to follow Jesus is a decision with a cost. Yes, it is true that Jesus came that we might have the opportunity to experience freedom by His sacrifice.
Read MoreAs a church, there is an easy trap to fall into when talking about the ones that are serving overseas. Our church and even our larger denomination holds banners up for those that “go” to serve.
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