communitY & fellowship
As believers, we are called to encourage one another and spur each other on towards love and good deeds. But this is not a solo journey; our faith flourishes in community. We thrive together.
“And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fwlloship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. And awe came upon every soul, and many wonders and signs were being done through the apostles.”
Make this a Rhythm in your life: Fellowship looks like sharing life together. It’s joining a life group where we pray for one another’s needs. It’s gathering for worship, where we lift our voices and study the word as one body. It’s having coffee with a friend who needs encouragement. It’s serving alongside one another in ministry. It's opening our homes and our hearts to those around us, creating spaces where authentic relationships can grow.
Challenge: Especially in today's fast-paced and busy world, it's easy to not prioritize getting together. However, Scripture urges us not to give up meeting together. Commit today to prioritizing Christian community and fellowship. Whether it's through church services, life groups, or serving, find your community. Find those people who you can encourage and be encouraged by.
Recommended Resources
The Other Half of Church by Jim Wilder
The Company of the Committed by Elton Trueblood
Life Together: The Classic Exploration of Christian in Community by Dietrich Bonhoeffer