Shoreline cares about people in hard places

"Then the King will say...'For I was hungry, and you fed me. I was thirsty, and you gave me a drink. I was a stranger, and you invited me into your home. I was naked, and you gave me clothing. I was sick, and you cared for me. I was in prison, and you visited me.... I tell you the truth, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me!’” —Matthew 25:34-40

Would you, your family, or your Life Group be willing to help those who have found themselves in these difficult situations? You can find details on all of our ministry partners and how you can serve below.


The epidemic of drug and alcohol addiction is sweeping the country, especially related to the opioid crisis. Knoxville is no exception. Shoreline was a part of launching a premiere facility to address this need in the Renew Clinic, now our ministry partner through which we can personally make a difference.

Ways to Volunteer


Adoption & Foster Care

Hundreds of children in the Knoxville area have found themselves without a "forever home," a family to call their own. And there are millions of orphaned children around the world. Would you be willing to adopt or foster a child? Would you be willing to help a family in our church who has? Shoreline is recreating our foster care and adoption ministry, so lots of information will be coming soon. In the mean time, please let us know if you are interested in helping.

Ways to Volunteer

  • I'm interested in fostering

  • I'm interested in adopting

  • I'm interested in supporting a family who has fostered or adopted

  • Prayer Partner


Construction Outreach Ministry

This is a group of Shoreline partners who want to help those in the Knoxville area who need assistance with their home. We help the elderly or handicapped by building things like a wheelchair ramp or making minor repairs that they might not be able to do or afford on their own. You don’t need any special skills and there's no cost to you.

Ways to Volunteer

  • Sign up to serve on a Saturday morning


Crisis Pregnancy

You have the opportunity to impact the life of a woman who has found herself with an unplanned, often unwanted pregnancy. Many struggle with thinking abortion may be the answer. Through our partner Hope Resource Center, you can make a profound difference. 

Ways to Volunteer

  • Provide for a Baby Shower

  • Mentor

  • Volunteer Nurse

  • Church Liaison

  • Prayer Partner



  • There are approximately 1,700 homeless persons in Knoxville in any given month.

  • Currently, about 75% of the homeless are male and about 25% are female.

  • Approximately 15% of the homeless are under the age of 18.  This group is the fastest growing segment of the homeless population in our community. Of the children aging out of foster care, one-fourth will be homeless within one year.

Through our ministry partner Knoxville Are Rescue Ministries (KARM), you can make a difference. KARM's ministry equation is "Rescue + Relationships = Restoration."

Ways to Volunteer



Thousands of men and women will enter an East Tennessee county or state correctional facility this year. Many will experience hopelessness. Many will not know where to turn for answers during this trying time in life. Upon release, many will not have the tools or support needed for long-term success. 

You can help. Through our ministry partner Focus Ministries, you can impact the lives of men and women experiencing incarceration (inside) and those recently released (outside).

Ways to Volunteer

  • Inside—Volunteer facilitators are equipped to lead Christ-centered classes, provide life-skills education, focus on recovery, and teach fatherhood & motherhood courses.

  • Outside—There are several ways to help those trying to start over after their release.


Refugees & Immigrants

The total foreign-born population in Metro Knoxville is about 27,800. Refugees often arrive with very little except memories of trauma, and a hunger for freedom and opportunity. The majority of adult internationals are married, well-educated and employed, but only about half are fluent in English. Many feel socially isolated and lonely. While two out of five internationals are professionals, one out of five lives in poverty. What every international brings here is hope for a better life. 

This context presents us with a rich opportunity for life-changing, world-impacting ministry to the Glory of God, and you can be a part of it! Our ministry partner for helping us impact the lives of internationals is Knoxville Internationals Network (KIN).

Ways to Volunteer


Sex-Trafficked Minors

  • Every 2 minutes in the U.S. a child is sold for sex.

  • Every month on average in TN, 94 children are reported for being sold online for sex.

  • 13 years old is the average age a child becomes a victim of sex trafficking.

Through our partner Street Hope TN, you have the opportunity to make a difference. Their home for girls is called Garland Oaks, and it is the first safe home in East Tennessee for young girls ages 12 to 17 who are survivors of domestic minor sex trafficking. A place where survivors will receive healing, hope, love, education, enrichment opportunities, counseling, and a place to feel safe. Most importantly, she will hear about the mighty name of Jesus and about His abiding love for her and learn the truth about who He says she is.

Ways to Volunteer

  • Write letters of encouragement and blessing to the girls

  • Be a part of the grounds team

  • Prayer Partner


Sexually exploited women

Knoxville has a number of women who have found themselves as the victims of sexual exploitation—women trapped in a terrible cycle, with few options, and finding it hard to get out. We can help through our local partner Raising a Voice

Ways to Volunteer

Contact Will Boggs with questions or to get involved.