Prayer & fasting

When we think of prayer and fasting, it can seem like we're being asked to do less—less eating, less activity, less engagement in the hustle of our everyday lives. But while it might feel like we're giving up something, we're actually gaining more clarity, strength, wisdom, and so much more.

But when you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you.
— Matthew 6:6

Make this a Rhythm in your life: Prayer and fasting are not about what we're giving up but about what we're gaining. They are rhythms that help us to strip away the excess and focus on what truly matters. By embracing these practices, we can experience a deeper sense of fulfillment and a closer walk with God, discovering that in our 'less,' we truly find more. What would it look like if prayer & fasting were a part of your regular rhythms? How would it allow you to more clearly hear the voice of God?

Challenge: Prayer - Slow down and make space throughout your daily life for prayer. Whether that’s alone in your car, with your family, or with your Life Group, be intentional with your prayers—not just offering up your requests, but also pausing to listen. Not sure how to pray? There is no magic formula for prayer. Prayer is simply a conversation with the Lord. But here’s a helpful rhythm for prayer if you need one:

  • Start your prayer by listening. Give time to let the Spirit speak.

  • Thank God for everything he has done and is doing in your life. He is a good and faithful God!

  • Confess any sins the Lord brings to mind.

  • Thank God for His forgiveness and His grace.

  • Let God know what is on your heart—both the good things and the hard things you’re facing. He is faithful to hear us when we pray. Philippians 4:6-7 says, “do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

Fasting - When we fast, we should choose something meaningful to us. Why? Fasting causes us to miss the thing we are fasting from, and missing its presence in our life reminds us of our need for God. So what is that thing for you? Is it food? Social media? Netflix? Your phone? Music while driving? Spend some time asking God what you should fast from. In your time of fasting, be reminded that in our “less,” we truly find more.

Make these your regular Rhythms.