Sabbath Rest

Sabbath Rest is a spiritual rhythm that Jesus modeled perfectly for us throughout scripture. Sabbath literally means “to stop.” From the story of creation in Genesis, to Jesus' example of practicing holy rest during his earthly life and ministry, the importance of the practice of Sabbath Rest is very clear.

Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor, and do all your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord your God. On it you shall not do any work.
— Exodus 20:8-11

Make this a Rhythm in your life: Pause. Ask yourself how you can be intentional to build sabbath rest into your personal rhythms. What could it look like to build spiritual rest into your daily, weekly, monthly and even yearly schedule? Maybe this means on your lunch break you put away your phone and spend time thanking God for everything He’s done. Maybe this looks like clearing your schedule for a day and spending time resting in God’s goodness. However this looks, remember this is a time for rest. Sabbath is not about adding something to your schedule or a time to recharge after we do the work, but rather it is how we prepare to go and do the work God has for us.

Challenge: Take some time today, this week, or this month to get alone with God. Put your phone down, clear your schedule, and STOP. Sit and rest in His presence.