Silence & Solitude

Solitude is getting alone in a quiet place with God for a prolonged period of time—away from our normal rhythms and day to day activities. Silence is solitude’s closest companion. It is through the rhythm of silence where we begin to quiet the noise around us to be able to hear God’s still small voice that has been speaking to us the whole time.

And rising very early in the morning, while it was still dark, he departed and went out to a desolate place, and there he prayed.
— Mark 1:35

Make this a Rhythm in your life: Without learning to be still and quieting our hearts, we might never realize how close God’s presence is and what He wants to reveal to us. What would it look like for you to spend time in silence & solitude daily? What if for a moment you didn’t come to God with your requests and prayers, but instead, you came to him silent—waiting for Him to speak.

Challenge: Take time each day to practice silence & solitude. Get alone with God. Silence your phone, pause your music, and sit with Him quietly. This might feel weird at first! It is often challenging to quiet our minds and let silence take over. But this rhythm is ultimately us practicing waiting on the Lord. We find solitude and silence in order to let the noise of the world fall away so that we can hear what the Lord is saying.

Recommended Resources


Podcast: Carey Nieuwhof: Episode 595